Icon and Models Experiment
This project shows some very famous art history icons of beauty and perfection, overlaid with some contemporary icons of beauty and pseudo perfection. It is an exercise which shows how the idea of "MODEL" changed over time... it also tries to show some Monster-Hybrids of beauty and perfection.
The aim of the project is to analyze how the concept of beauty transformed over time, and to research the roots of some "wrong" models of beauty publicized in Eastern Countries and worshiped and chosen by young people.
In this first Selection we see 5 hybrid, from top to buttom:
- Venulope / Penus (The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli + Penelope Cruz)
- Katenus / Venuate (Venus Anadyomene by Dominique Ingres + Kate Moss by Jurgen Teller)
- Olymtina (Olympia by Manet + Christina Aguilera)
- Monapam / Pamelisa (Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci + Pamela Anderson)
- Davidarno (David by Michelangelo Buonarroti + Arnold Schwarzenerg)